
Kumpulan Materi Pelajaran

23+ Contoh Descriptive Text Lengkap Beserta Strukturnya : Pengertian, Ciri-Ciri dan Tujuan

October 16, 2017

Contoh Descriptive Text atau Teks Deskripsi - Artikel ini memuat penjelasan serta seluk-beluk tentang descriptive text yang akan memudahkan kamu untuk mempelajarinya.

Terdapat lebih dari 23 contoh descriptive text dengan beragam tema seperti descriptive text animal, descriptive text singkat tentang tempat wisata, kucing, benda kesayangan dan masih banyak lagi.

Selain itu, artikel ini juga membahas tentang pengertian, ciri-ciri dan tujuan dari descriptive text.

Untuk lebih jelasnya, langsung saja baca penjelasan dibawah ini.

Pengertian Teks Deskripsi

Descriptive text atau teks deskripsi adalah salah satu jenis teks yang tersusun atas satu paragraf atau lebih yang berisi informasi dan penjelasan atas suatu objek tertentu.

Umumnya teks deskripsi ini terdiri atas lebih dari satu paragraf dengan struktur utama yakni bagian identifikasi (paragraf awal; memberikan informasi atas identitas objek yang akan dideskripsikan) dan bagian deskripsi (bagian yang berisi deskripsi atas objek yang telah diidentifikasikan).

Pengertian Descriptive Text Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Descriptive text is one type of texts which is arranged in one or more than one paragraph concerning the information and description of an object.

Generally, this kind of texts is arranged in more than one paragraph which is structured as two sections; identification section (at the beginning paragraph; giving the information and the identity of the object which will be described) and descriptive section (this section contains the description of the object which already had identified at the previous paragraph).

Ciri-Ciri Teks Deskripsi

Terdapat 4 ciri-ciri teks deskripsi, yaitu:

  1. Menjelaskan identitas objek material yang sedang dibahas.
  2. Memberikan penjelasan rinci seperti bentuk, warna, tekstur, karakter, sifat, dan lain sebagainya atas objek material yang sedang dibahas.
  3. Bersifat faktual atau non fiksi.
  4. Memberikan pengetahuan dan gambaran kepada pembaca atas objek material yang sedang dibahas.

Tujuan Descriptive Text

Terdapat 3 tujuan descriptive text, yaitu:

  1. Menjadi sumber pengetahuan.
  2. Memberikan informasi sebaik dan sejelas mungkin kepada pembaca.
  3. Menjadi acuan dasar untuk penelitian pada objek terkait.

Contoh Kalimat Deskripsi

Berikut ini merupakan 3 contoh kalimat deskripsi:

  1. Seekor ikan yang ada di dalam aquariumku berwarna merah dan biru pada seluruh bagian tubuhnya yang kecil seukuran jari kelingking dan ikan tersebut akan mengembangkan ekor dan siripnya sebagai tanda bahwa ia sedang marah apabila didekatkan dengan ikan lain yang sejenis atau dihadapkan pada sebuah kaca karena ikan itu memang bersifat penyendiri dan suka bertarung untuk mempertahankan wilayahnya.
  2. Aku memiliki sebuah lemari kayu jati berwarna coklat tua dengan ukiran indah di bagian tepi depan dan lemari itu sangat berat dan sulit dipindahkan jika dilakukan oleh kurang dari empat orang dewasa karena ukurannya juga sangat besar.
  3. Perempuan yang sedang dicari lelaki itu memakai baju warna merah, celana warna biru, membawa tas ransel warna orange dan memiliki perawakan tinggi, tegap, langsing, berkulit putih, berkacamata, dan berambut panjang dengan warna kuning seperti rambut bule.

Contoh Descriptive Text Singkat - George

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I have to pick up someone today at the airport. He is from Australia. His name is George. I never meet him before and I do not have his picture. So, I prepare a small board and write his name. I will bring that at the airport. I hope George will find me.


Before his flight, he informed that he wore black shirt, blue jeans, and red shoes. He also brought a big orange bag. What I had known from him is that he has 190 cm tall, thin body, his hair is red, and he has thick mustache.

Contoh Paragraf Deskripsi Pendek – Rumah Kontrakanku

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Aku tinggal di sebuah rumah kontrakan mungil di daerah Mrican, Yogyakarta. Meski ada alamatnya, namun jika belum pernah berada di daerah tersebut, maka akan sangat sulit menemukan rumah kontrakanku karena posisinya tidak berada di pinggir jalan, namun masuk ke dalam gang kecil.


Alamat rumahku adalah Jalan STM Pembangunan, Gg. Surya no 9, Mrican.

Nah, setelah masuk ke gang Surya, nanti kamu akan menemukan satu toko kecil di kiri jalan. Toko tersebut berpagar warna merah dan di depannya selalu terparkir mobil kuno. Sebelah toko persis terdapat gang masuk kecil.

Nanti kamu akan menemukan dua rumah, yang pertama berpagar warna hitam dan yang kedua tidak ada pagarnya.

Nah, rumah kontrakanku adalah yang tidak memiliki pagar. Temboknya berwarna putih dan banyak tanaman anggrek yang digantung di tembok depan. Halamannya lumayan luas dan ada pohon mangga yang besar dan tinggi.

Teks Deskripsi Bahasa Inggris – Haunted House

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One day I went to a haunted house at the one of tourism place at my city. Of course it was not a real haunted house, but only a creation of a room with horror atmosphere.

That haunted house always made me curious to go inside and see because many people was screaming when entering it.


I decided to buy the ticket and see inside. I wanted to feel the horror.

The room was dark, only using a few thematic lighting focused in specific spots which the ghost properties were displayed. The room was also divided into 4 parts with different theme of horror.

Every visitor would be entering all parts to find the exit and no one can be out of that room except by passing through the exit door.

At the first-third part of that room I only saw any kinds of scary display using the theme of ghost, there were some fake ghost made form dolls, fake cemeteries and some old furniture which made us imagine about the ghost.

At the last part of that room there were a lot of actors who wore any kinds of ghost costume and make up. They were moving around and shocked the visitor. This part was the best one that impressed people about the fear of the haunted house.

Contoh Deskripsi Benda Dalam Bahasa Inggris – Buku

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A have a book which I bought last year. The book is a novel which titled The Story of An Idiot. I love that book because when I read it I get not only knowledge but also entertainment.

Unfortunately I had loss this book. I guess I lose it at Tugu Station during my trip in Yogyakarta. It was difficult to get that book because I never found it at the book store. I got it at the street book seller in London.


The colour of the book’s cover is dominated in red. The picture of that cover is a young man in a black jacket walking through the bridge.

At the first page of that book, I wrote my name and my email address. I also draw a simple rat at the corner of the first page. I always do the same thing to all my books because I hope if I loss my book, someone who found it would give it back to me.

The book is written in English. The author of that book is Joseph J Joseph. It is a strange name but cool enough for the name of a novel author.

The total pages of that book are 125 pages which are divided into 6 parts. At the back of the cover is actually the short summary of that book, but I changed it by sticking the picture of a monkey on it.

Deskripsi Orang Dalam Bahasa Inggris - Jono

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I have a school friend that most people hate him. His name is Jono. He is the son of the headmaster of my school. That is one of the reason many people at school dislike him.

But overall, he has a bad attitude. But however, he is kind to me because one day, at the first day of the school, I was helping him repairing his motorcycle even we did not know each other.


His physical appearance is not bad. Let say, he is a handsome teenager who can easily get girlfriend. He has a tall and athletic body. He has a pointed nose, white skin, bright eyes, and straight hair.

He always wear cool sweater despite of the uniform. At a glance, he seems like a Korean movie star. Unfortunately, and most people thanks of that, he is so stupid and seems like does not have a brain.

He also has a lot of money and also the most powerful person in school due to the power of his father. Because of that he is so arrogant and frequently disturbs other people in school. He never gets punishment even he does a lot of bad things in school.

That is why people hate him most.

Contoh Teks Deskripsi Bahasa Indonesia - Monas

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Monumen Nasional Indonesia atau biasa disingkat sebagai monas terdapat di ibu kota Indonesia, yaitu Jakarta.

Monumen ini mulai dibangun pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1961 di bawah pemerintahan presiden RI yang pertama, yakni Soekarno, untuk mengenang jasa para pahlawan yang telah berjuang hingga titik darah penghabisan demi kemerdekaan bangsa Indonesia dalam melawan kekuasaan Belanda dan penjajah lainnya.

Pada tanggal 12 Juli 1975, monumen nasional ini mulai dibuka untuk umum sebagai sarana rekreasi edukatif karena monumen yang berukuran besar dan tinggi ini dilengkapi dengan museum.


Tugu monas memiliki tinggi 132 meter dengan puncaknya yang berbentuk lidah api dengan lapisan emas murni sebagai simbol dari semangat juang bangsa indonesia yang selalu menyala.

Bangunan itu sendiri, yang telah dirancang oleh Frederich Silaban dan R.M Soedarsono, merupakan bangunan dengan konsep lingga-yoni sebagai simbol dari keharmonisan, kesuburan, dan kemakmuran.

Tugu ini dilengkapi pula dengan sebuah taman dan kolam. Taman tersebut bernama Taman Medan Merdeka Utara yang dibuat sebagai penghias area monas.

Kolam yang berada di Taman tersebut berukuran 25x25 meter. Kolam ini tak hanya mempercantik namun juga sebagai pendingin yang berasal dari elemen air.

Di dekat kolam tersebut terdapat patung yang sangat indah, yakni patung Pangeran Diponegoro yang terbuat dari 8 ton perunggu. Patung tersebut di desain oleh seniman Italia, Coberlato.

Pintu masuk ke Monas berada di Taman Medan Merdeka Utara dan sangat dekat dengan patung Diponegoro. Pintu masuk ini berbentuk terowongan yang berada 3 meter di bawah taman dan jalan silang Monas. Di ujung terowongan terdapat loket tiket.

Setelah pengunjung membeli tiket, pengunjung akan berjalan naik kembali ke permukaan tanah untuk menikmati relief sejarah perjuangan indonesia, masuk ke museum di pintu sudut timur laut, atau bisa langsung masuk ke area tengah monumen untuk menuju ruang kemerdekaan dan bisa juga langsung naik ke puncak dengan menggunakan lift.

Contoh Deskriptive Text Bahasa Inggris SMP – Bangunan Sekolah

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My Junior High school’s building is not too far from my home. I usually go there by riding bicycle. I only need around 5-7 minutes to get there.

Aside from daily routine in school which start from 7 a.m. until 1 p.m., at the afternoon I also go there to play or just to see basketball exercising.


My school is not to big like the other school which has football field and auditorium. The main building only has 16 rooms.

Each grade is divided into 8 classes, so that because the school only has 16 rooms, the first grade starts the class at 1 p.m. until 5 p.m.; the morning class is only for second and third grade.

In addition to that, my school has also one basketball court, one lab, one hall which we call pendopo, one mosque, one canteen, teacher’s room, toilets and parking area.

One place that I love most at school is the bench near a small pond. At the break time, I always sit at that bench and see the fish swimming.

Contoh Descriptive Text Animal - Komodo

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Komodo is the biggest lizard in the world. Some people say it is a dragon and the scientists say that komodo is one of the ancient animals which survive until today.

The original home of that dragon is Komodo Island, Indonesia. But, we can see this awesome animal at the zoo. I guest every zoo in this world should has this animal.


Komodo is structurally not too different with the other lizard family but because the shape is so big then this animal is also known as the king of lizard. Komodo grows at the maximum length of 3 meters with 70-80 kilograms weight.

Komodo is a venomous lizard that hunts any other animal such as birds, and mammals.

When it bites the other animal, at first the victim would run away and death somewhere. But after that, komodo would find it because it has tongue and sense of smell to detect the carrion.

Even it has only single ear bone and bad sight, but using the tongue and the smell sense it can find the carrion at the radius of 9, 5 km.

Komodo is a dangerous animal which can attack and kill human if there is no other food to eat. Even this lizard prefers hot and dry place such as grassland, savanna and forest to stay, but it also can swim at the sea and eat some carrions at the beach.

Contoh Descriptive Text Tentang Hewan - Brazilian Turtle

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I have a little Brazilian turtle. I got it when I was fishing at the river near my home.

Normally, there is no that kind of turtle at that river. I guess the turtle was belonged to somebody before it escaped. That was my lucky day because I found it.


Looking at the size of the turtle, the age is around a year. The colour is still yellowish green. Baby Brazilian turtle has green colour and the colour will slowly change along its growth.

That turtle is a kind of water turtle but sometimes it stays at dry place for a while. Thus, this turtle which is known as red-eared slider is a semiaquatic turtle.

A give it the name Kukurara. I keep it at my pond and it seems like happy living there with my fish. Sometimes it is swimming around but sometimes it does not move at all on the stone in the middle of the pond.

I don’t really understand the right way to take care of turtle. As long as it wants to eat, I think it will survive.

Contoh Descriptive Text About Place - Prambanan Temple

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For anyone who likes history, Prambanan temple is the historical tourism place that must be visited.

The location is in Yogyakarta, around 10 minutes from Adisucipto Airport. Spending Rp. 40.000,- we can explore around it all the day we want to enjoy the beauty, take some picture and learn something historical about it.


Prambanan temple is the biggest Hindu temple site in Asia. The building was completed in the mid-9th century during the regime of Sanjaya Dynasty. The history explains that Rakai Pikatan is the one who initiated the building of that giant temple.

The original name of Prambanan temple is Shivagrha because the temple was built to dedicate to the God of Shiva.

Equal with Borobudur temple, the Prambanan temple at every main building recognizes the three world hierarchy which spanned from the lower world to the holiest place.

At the first level of the building symbolizes the lowest realm of the world. It is called Bhurloka or the world in which human being are still bound by their desire, lust, sins, and unholy way of life or stupidity.

The middle level is Bhuvarloka, that is the world of enlighten where human learn to see the truth or living in the holy way.

The top level is Svarloka or the highest and the holiest world. This is the place for people who already get the perfection of life.

Contoh Descriptive Text Tentang Tempat Wisata - Bromo

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Bromo is one of mountains in Java that is known around the world. As one of the special tourism places in Java, Bromo Mountain is not only rich of its natural beauty but also in harmony with the local people around it.

In Bromo, the visitors can enjoy both the beauty of the nature and also the culture in that area because Bromo is not simply a mountain but also an important place for ritual ceremony of Hindu.


Located around 2,5 hours from Malang city, Bromo is one of active volcano mountain which is a part of the Bromo Tengger Semeru National park.

The beauty of Bromo can be seen clearly from the top of Penanjakan Mountain which is close to Bromo and has higher level (2,770 meters). Bromo itself is only 2,392 meters.

Even Bromo is not too high volcano mountain, but the history of the eruption was so dramatic. The sands around it which people called the sea of sands (segara wedi) are the proof that this mountain had ever been killing the life surrounded that area.

The name of Bromo is taken from the name one of the God of Hindu, Brahma.

People of Tengger has a myth about that mountain that makes it has mystical nuance. But it is more than myth as long as people still believe that by creating Kasada festival every year, they express their gratitude to God in a symbolic way by throwing vegetables, cattle, and also money as an offering in the Bromo’s crater.

Mendeskripsikan Teman Dalam Bahasa Inggris - Gedheg

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I have a very kind friend. His name is Anggit but I usually call him Gedheg, a Javanese term which refers to the person who always shakes his head all the time.

Yes is true, Gedheg often shakes his head because he had it as the symptom of his traumatic experience.


Gedheg is now 29 years old. He is a strong person who prefers coffe than breakfast before starting to work. Usually we work together in one project.

He is not a quick learner but once he knows something he will remember it forever. Because of that he can do the same kind of job quickly and the result is perfect.

He likes fishing so much but he is never lucky. In this case, he is not smart at all. He thinks that fishing is a case of luckiness, but he is totally wrong. It needs good technique and strategy to get the fish we want.

The last time we fished together he got a huge branch of some tree and after that he never fish anymore.

Contoh Descriptive Text Tentang Artis - Vincent Willem Van Gogh

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What I mean about artist in this case is different from celebrity which is understood by most Indonesian people as an artist too.

Talking about artist I always remember the name of Vincent Willem Van Gogh who is a very famous painter who never enjoys the glory of his art works which the prices are so fantastic. The art works of Van Gogh became famous after his death.


Van Gogh was a Dutch painter that was classified as a post-impressionist painter. He was born on March 30, 1853 in Zundert, Netherlands and died on 29 July in Auvers-sur-Oise, France.

At his life time, he was stated as a stupid person who tried and failed to learn painting. Not only that, he was totally poor and suffered.

At first, he failed in love and thus made him suffered in life. He failed to be anything like normal people. His failure in love broke his mental and confidence.

Before he became a painter, or let say liked painting, he was a protestant missionary in Southern Belgium.

His duty was in the coal mine and there he saw the truth about suffering and the truth about his own God. Seeing human suffer he also wanted to experience the same in the name of humanity. He lost his faith and started to paint.

Traveling from one place to another, Van Gogh lived in poverty. His life was spent to paint even people said that his art work was a bad art.

He also suffered from psychotic and delusion. At the last time of his life, he was at the mental hospital, Auvers-sur-Oise, France. He was depressed and finally shot himself and died two days after that.

After his death and the popularity of the discourse on madness, especially the knowledge of the psychotic, his painting became popular and categorized as a high art of post-impressionist painting.

Unfortunately, Van Gogh never knew that the prices of his painting are now billions.

Teks Deskripsi Candi Borobudur

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Candi Borobudur merupakan destinasi wisata bertaraf internasional yang terletak di kota Magelang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia.

Meski menjadi tempat wisata, namun sebetulnya Candi Borobudur merupakan bangunan suci yang dipergunakan untuk beribadah bagi umat Buddha.

Karena setiap tahun jumlah pengunjung semakin banyak, dikhawatirkan bangunan bersejarah ini akan rusak terlebih karena tak banyak pengunjung Candi Borobudur ini merupakan pengunjung yang paham mengenai tata cara yang baik untuk mengunjungi bangunan suci ini agar tetap terjaga kelestariannya.


Diperkirakan candi Borobudur mulai dibangun pada abad 8 oleh dinasti Sailendra yang pada waktu itu sedang berkuasa.

Candi ini berbentuk persegi empat dengan tiga lantai. Pada seluruh dinding candi tersebut terdapat 2.672 panel relief yang mengkisahkan perjalanan hidup sang Buddha mulai dari kelahirannya,masa remajanya, masa mendapatkan pencerahan, hingga meninggalnya sang Buddha. Selain relief terdapat juga 504 arca Buddha yang tersebar di seluruh lantai.

Pada lantai puncak terdapat stupa utama yang dikelilingi 72 stupa berlubang yang didalamnya terdapat arca Buddha dengan posisi semedi (duduk bersila dalam posisi teratai sempurna dengan sikap tangan Dharmachakra Mudra atau simbol tangan yang memutar roda dharma).

Ada sebuah mitos yang mengatakan bahwa setiap orang yang berhasil menyentuh arca Buddha dalam stupa berlubang akan mendapatkan keberuntungan. Oleh sebab itulah banyak pengunjung yang mencoba memanjat stupa tersebut dan berusaha meraih dan menyentuh arca Buddha di dalamnya. Inilah yang menyebabkan stupa Borobudur rentan rusak.

Candi borobudur ini menggunakan konsep kosmologi Buddha yang terdapat pada tiga lantainya.

Lantai paling bawah merupakan Kamadhatu atau ranah hawa nafsu, lantai kedua merupakan Rupadhatu atau ranah berwujud, dan lantai puncak merupakan Arupadhatu atau ranah tak berwujud.

Ketiga lantai ini merupakan rangkaian perjalanan manusia menuju kesempurnaan yang dimulai dari ranah hawa nafsu, ranah wujud, dan terakhir merupakan ranah tak berwujud atau kekosongan. di lantai paling puncak ini tak ada relief, hanya stupa besar yang sunyi dan tenang.

Contoh Descriptive Text About Someone – Penduduk Baru

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I see that mysterious person at every morning walking in front of my home in this last two weeks.

I never see him before. Perhaps he is a new comer in this village. He always walks slowly with his two big Doberman dogs as he seems like having a total control of his dogs.


He is big and tall man with a long hair and full body tattoo on his skin. I think anybody will be afraid of him. He always uses single shirt and shorts and also black sports shoes when he is walking around with his dog.

Usually, he is passing in front of my home around 6 in the morning. He always using headset and put his i-phone or something like mp3 players in his pocket shorts.

Contoh Descriptive Text Tentang Kucing Persia

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My neighbour has a beautiful Persian cat. He gives a name Momo for that cat.

Everyday, I can see that cat walking through my wall fence. Sometimes it sits for a few times seeing something under the wall before it suddenly run away to catch it.


The colour of that cat is all white. It has long hair. If I see it deeply, it has a round face and short muzzle. Its face is actually so scary because its eyes and nose is black. It reminds me about the ghost with black face in white cloth.

My neighbour says that the price of it is so expensive. Every week he has to go to the pet shop to take care of his cat.

That cat eats special foot for cat. My neighbour never gives it any kind of human food for it in which local cat can eat that.

It is a male Persian cat. My neighbour doesn’t have the female one so that that cat is alone at that house. Because of the shape is bigger than local cat, therefore there is no local cat stay close to it even the female one.

Contoh Descriptive Text Tentang Ibu

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My mother is a great and strong woman. She is the only one who has been taking care of me since I was a baby. She never stops to love me and also the whole of the family.


My mother is an elementary teacher. She has been working in an elementary school in our village for around 30 years. She will be a pension in the next tree mounts when she will be exactly 58 years old.

Even she is now old enough, but she still has the will to do something to get money. After the end of her duty, she will once again start the business opening a small restaurant like she ever did 6 years ago.

At the past time, she stopped her business because she used to sell the restaurant to pay off the debt after the collapse of my father business.

As long as I know my mother, she never cries or has angry feeling. She always happy all the time to make the other people around her has the same feeling. She always helped people even she did not know them. Because of that, many people know my mother.

As a teacher, she also loves to teach children at the afternoon in home. Whenever her students have some problems with the lesson, she would ask them to come to home at the afternoon to get lesson for free.

I’m so proud of my mother. I hope someday I can do the same thing like her to be a strong person to help the others.

Contoh Descriptive Text Tentang Teman yang Menyebalkan

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I have a strange friend. I knew him on one unfortunate event where he was introduced by my other friend to me. At first, he was like a usual person but lately he seems like an annoying person.


What makes me feel uncomfortable about him is that he always meets me at the wrong time.

For example at the night he came to my place for sharing something not important. Of course I can say that I want to get sleep or I want to do my work because it seemed that he wanted to ask for help.

What he had talked was about whether God is exists or not or something mystical and I don’t have any interest about it.

At first time he did that thing, I still could give a good response as the way to appreciate my friend. But he did the same at the next time again and again.

It was too worst when he came to my place while I still have an important conversation with another people and he suddenly interrupted my conversation with some stupid theme or question like “why does Plato think about human?” Oh my God, I really don’t understand about this man.

Finally I decided to stay away from him. I start to refuse his coming, I never answer his stupid question, and I warn my other friend to think twice before starting to close to him.

Lately I know that everybody dislike him for the same reason. I know that he was a lonely person and need a friend to talk. But, what can I do, he never learn even I had criticized him about his uncomfortable attitude.

Contoh Descriptive Text Tentang Idola - Johnny Depp

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Talking about idol, I have an idol too. He is John Christopher Depp II or Johnny Depp. He is an actor, musician and also a producer.

What makes me amaze with him is his action in the movie Pirates of the Caribbean. After seeing that movie, I also search for his another movie. From watching his action in different movies, I can see that he is a great actor.


Depp was born on June 9, 1963 in Owensboro, Kentucky, U.S. He is now 54 years old. He started his career on movie in 1984.

His first movie is A nightmare on Elm Street and his last movie is Untitled Fantastic Beast Sequel that would be released in 2018.

A long his life, he had been an actor in 48 movies. It means that he had been playing more than 40 characters during his life. Thus, seeing his achievement, he is proper to be the winner of the Golden Globe Award and Screen Actors Guild Award for the best actor.

Before he became a famous actor, Depp was a musician. The first genre he played was rock music. He is good in playing guitar and writing songs.

A long his life, he wrote so many songs for bands, solo vocalist or for movie such as Sweeney Todd.

Contoh Descriptive Text Tentang Boneka - Bunny

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I have a funny doll. It is a doll that is made by my wife. We call it Bunny.

After we have a baby, we give that doll to our son. He likes it so much. My baby plays with that doll every time he wakes up from sleep. He always makes unidentified conversation with that doll.


The doll is design as a rabbit with human body. The colour is white and the head is brown. It has long hands and feet. The ears are long too. When it is shaken, the hands and the feet can move in funny ways.

The doll is 70 cm long from head to foot. The body is in a shape of triangle. Therefore it seems like a lady Bunny with wide hip.

One day my baby held Bunny’s hand and swung it too hard for several times. The result is that the Bunny’s hand was broken and separated from the body. That doll was looked terrible. My baby was afraid of it and did not want to play with it anymore until my wife fixed it again.

Contoh Descriptive Text Tentang Teman Sebangku - Mijat

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At Senior High School, I have a seatmate name Mijat. His complete name is Mijatmiko but I just call him Mijat.

He is more than a seatmate but a brother. We always help each other, hangout together, make a trouble together. What we never do is studying together as we are bad boys who hate studying.


Mijat is a year older than me. He is also taller and bigger than me. His hair is curly that is cut in a short model. His head is looked big with oval face. He is Javanese but his eyes are like Chinese and he also has white skin.

Mijat is a calm person that rarely to be angry except he knows that his friends get beaten by someone or some group of students. He is a brave man that prefers to fight rather than forgive if he is in trouble.

It is true, outside the school he is the member of a gangster. But nobody in school knows about it because he is known by people as a friendly person to anybody, funny, and also helpful.

He only afraid of 3 things in his life as long as i know him, those are his parents, ghost, and the last is approaching a girl.

He is very nervous when he falls in love and wants to meet the girl he loves. In fact, he is handsome enough and some girls in school want to be his girlfriend.

I know it because most of them always ask me something about him. I had told him about it but he is always nervous when he hears about it. Because of that, during in school, he never has a girlfriend.

Contoh Descriptive Text Tentang Benda Kesayangan - Joran

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The thing of mine that I love most is my fishing rod. I have 5 fishing rods and only one is my favourite. That fishing rod is a gift from my brother after he back from Japan.

I don’t know why but when I use that Japanese fishing rod I always get a lot of fish. I think that fishing rod is a carrier of luck. My brother said that before it is mine, the fishing road belongs to an old Japanese fisherman.


It is 4.5 metres long of carbon fishing rod that is originally made in Japan. The colour is brown and black. The handle is easy to grip and even it is a long fishing rod but it is not heavy like my other fishing rod. The weight is no more than 0.2 kg. It is very well to be used to fish at a wide river or lake.

Some people always ask me about where did i buy that fishing rod and I said that it is given and originally from Japan.

Often they try to buy my fishing rod with high price but I never accept it. I will never sell my fishing rod because I always lucky to fish using it.

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